Thank You to Our Reps Who Supported Parental Rights

We would like to thank our Reps who supported parental rights and transparency in education. We believe a healthy partnership with parents and teachers must always be built on a foundation of truth. Such a foundation embeds trust into our educational systems and...

The Facts Behind and the Need for the Parent’s Rights Bill

The NH Journal has published an excellent exposé of the Democrat fight against the Parents Rights Bill SB 272. Click here to read it: NHDems Cast Another Unanimous Vote Against Parents Rights Legislation – NH Journal Restoring and reaffirming the rights of...

VOSE: The Truth About NH’s High Energy Costs

Defying reality, New Hampshire Democrats are trying to divert the blame for escalating energy costs away from the true guilty party. Federal Democratic legislators and President Joe Biden are the real cause of the fuel shortages that continue driving up the cost of...

Frank Edelblut: When Our Children Prosper, We All Prosper

This op-ed appeared in the Union Leader on September 25, 2022 BEFORE, DURING and now post pandemic, the Department of Education has remained committed to supporting our children and our schools. This support extends beyond the traditional classroom, and aims to reach...

Response to Energy Crisis Has Been Ideology, Hypocrisy and Pain

Recent GDP economic numbers prove the U.S. has entered into recession – two consecutive quarters of negative growth though President Joe Biden and some in the media want to tell us the definition of recession has changed. After close to $10 trillion of...