Printable PDF File for BRC ByLaws as amended on October 11, 2022
Article I
The Bedford Republican Committee shall promote the policies of the Republican Party in Bedford, assist local Republican candidates campaigning for office, inform the voting public of Republican issues and encourage citizens to vote. The assets and resources of the Committee shall be used to pursue this objective.
Article II
Any person in agreement with the objective of this Committee may become a Member by paying a year’s dues.
Article III
The Officers shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Officers shall be elected for a one-year term at the January meeting of the Committee. BRC officers, directors and nominating committee members must be registered Republicans.
The Chairman shall be the chief executive officer. The Chairman will preside at meetings, appoint subcommittees as necessary and have general oversight of the Committee. The Chairman shall remain strictly neutral in any partisan primary contest.
The Vice-Chairman, under the direction of the Chairman, shall assist the Chairman in the performance of his duties, and in the Chairman’s absence, shall preside at meetings.In these by-laws the words Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be used without respect to the sex of the holder of the office.
The Treasurer shall receive all funds belonging to the Committee, shall keep proper books of account of all funds received and paid out and may pay out such funds as authorized by the Chairman or vote of the membership. The Treasurer shall render proper accounting to the Committee at each meeting thereof and shall be fully accountable to the Committee for his acts as Treasurer.
The secretary shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the Committee and shall keep and be custodian of the permanent books and records of the Committee, except the financial records.
The membership shall elect at least three directors to serve as the Board of Directors. They shall be advisors to the officers in shaping Committee policy and assist the Officers in carrying out their duties.
Executive Board
The Officers and Directors shall constitute the Executive Board. The Area Vice-Chairman of the Hillsborough County Republican Committee shall serve on the Executive Committee ex-officio.
When a vacancy occurs in the office of Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of Chairman until the next meeting when the vacancy shall be filled by election. The Chairman may fill vacancies for any office except Chairman on a temporary basis within thirty (30) days of the date the vacancies occur. Such temporary appointees shall serve until the next meeting of the Committee when the vacancies shall be filled by election.
Nominating Committee
The Chairman shall appoint a Nominating Committee to recommend a slate of Officers to the membership no later than the December meeting. Such Nominating Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) Members. The provisions of this section shall not be interpreted or construed as precluding or limiting additional nominations(s) being made for such Officers from the floor at any meeting held for such purpose.
Article IV
Meetings shall generally be held monthly on the second Tuesday. Meetings can be canceled or rescheduled by Membership vote. Additional meetings can be called by the Chairman on his own initiative or upon the written request of twenty-five percent (25%) of the voting Members of the Committee. Notice of all meetings shall be given to each Member at least seven (7) days before the day of the meeting. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
a. Either the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman may appoint a presiding officer to conduct a meeting in the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman. The Chairman’s appointment will be preferentially treated.
Ten (10) Members of the voting Membership shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. Each registered Republican Member registered to vote in Bedford shall have one vote. A majority of those present and voting shall decide any question except that in a vote for more than two candidates for one office a plurality shall prevail.
Article V
Dues shall be due annually at the January meeting for all Members or as Members join the Committee. Dues may be collected in advance as early as October of the prior year.
No dues will be collected immediately before, or during, meetings.
The calendar year will be used as the fiscal year. The Executive Board shall determine the dollar amount of the dues.
Article VI
Conduct of Officers
If the Chairman files for candidacy for any elected office, he or she shall resign immediately.
Article VII
These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of this Committee by a vote of the majority of the voting Members provided written copies of the proposed changes shall have been given in the notice of the meeting or at a previous meeting. Members may submit their vote to the Secretary by e-mail or phone prior to the meeting. Any amendment passed will become effective upon the close of the meeting in which it was approved.
Bylaws as Amended and Approved October 11, 2022