The purpose of NH House Bill HB 1419 was to prohibit “obscene or harmful sexual materials in
schools”, that is, specifically: to prohibit Porn.
But, last week NH House Democrats – including Rep Catherine Rombeau and Loren Foxx – voted to keep porn readily available to kids in NH schools, all paid for by your tax dollars. Given the priorities of Democrats, no wonder education proficiency scores have suffered over the years. Republicans stand for students and families first. Time honored and proven family values matter.
Republicans also believe the focus of schools needs to be on ensuring quality in education. We need to be helping our kids improve education outcomes and proficiency scores. We extend a big thank you to those Representatives who supported this bill against the ideology-driven left. We extend a special thanks to our very own Bedford House Representative Kristin Noble. See her speech “HB 1419 Book reconsideration policy for obscene library books” before the full house here:
Also, see House Representative Glenn Cordelli’s remarks before the full house here:
When Rep. Cordelli began reading from the actual materials available to kids in NH public schools, 170 Democrats considered what he was reading was too offensive to be shared with adults. But, Democrats are fine to give the same materials to kids. Wow.
Graphic and harmful sex scenes and materials have no place in our children’s school materials.