This Court win is a victory for NH families, parents and kids who want and deserve freedom to choose!

At the same time, the article linked below is a stark reminder that leftist Democrats with their union leadership cronies are intent on ripping away the rights of families to choose the best education for their kids. They want to continue on their mission to force their model of top-down monopolistic control over education. The leftist claims that “vouchers have exacerbated an already disparate burden placed on local taxpayers to fund the basic right to a quality public education” are patently false. In fact, as the article correctly points out, “…because EFAs only use the state portion of a student’s funding — usually around one-third of the total — school systems that lose students through EFAs increase their per-pupil funding.”

Education Choice and the wildly popular and effective EFA program are making huge and positive differences for NH participants around the State. Thank you to all our elected representatives and their supporters who stand and fight for Education Excellence and Families, Parents and Kids First!

Read More at NH Journal