Even though the legislative work and politics of the NH Legislative Session is over, NH Democrats stay on the attack against parents.

The NH Journal posted an article about a NH Democrat Rep vilifying members of the pro-parents-rights “Moms for Liberty” organization as “a**holes” and comparing them to the Taliban. The article goes on to say she responded to the online backlash by forwarding a video in which the members of Moms For Liberty were labeled “Momzis,” a play on the word “Nazi.” Wow.

Such actions are unacceptable. Imagine if parents were not allowed to stand up for their kids? We would be more like a Communist dictatorship if that were the case. Or, for that matter, like a Nazi dictatorship. In Nazi Germany, the Nazis were intent on removing children from the influence of their parents. This is the US. Parents standing up for their families should be listened to, respected and praised.

At the same time that Democrat messaging implores all to stand together against hate, seeing the evidence in the posting of such hate-filled, insulting and demeaning language suggests disingenuousness. Thank you to those Republicans, as noted in the article, who are demanding a retraction of such vicious and offensive remarks.

Click here to read the article on NH Journal

Additionally, to see the reality of what Moms for Liberty is, stands for and does, please go to: Moms for Liberty